post: 短语和例子post1n.1.(被指定的)地位,岗位;职位,职守。2.【军事】哨所,站;哨兵警戒区;〔转义〕哨兵,卫兵。3.基地,驻(屯)地;兵营;营区。4.【美军】守备队;复员军人分会。 5. (特种股票)交易所。6.【英军】(睡眠)熄灯号。7.商埠;贸易站;租界。短语和例子a radar post 雷达哨。 the post of duty 工作岗位,职守。 a vigo
Example Sentences:
Post hoc fallacy 后此谬误
Post hoc fallacy 后此谬误
David mertz became disenchanted with the academy and became a technical journalist : post hoc ergo prompter hoc David mertz不再对学术着迷,而成为一个技术记者:发生于其后者必然是其结果。
Sta tis ti cal anal y ses included chi - square test , paired t - test , anal y sis of covariance , one - way anova , and scheffe s post hoc com par i son 另外,经两组前测为共变项之共变数分析之后,实验组后测之自觉运动利益及运动自我效能分数皆显著高于对照组后测之分数。
The total significant differences among groups were compared by two way anova , factoring treatment group and incubation medium level . post hoc testing were used to evaluate the significance of subgroup differences by lsd and snk methods , significant correlation between every two transmitters was analyzed by pearson correlation 用随机区组设计的方差分析进行总体均数的差异显著性比较,组间比较用hd法和snk法;不同神经递质之间的相关性分析用pearson相关分析法;不同孵育条件下同种处理组间比较用stwm ’ lt检验。